A single brand strategy, do market diversification and product diversification combined with route
Second, the brand proposition: to create the National Union 500 factory floor mats, unified brand chain, in order to change the normalization of personalized products sales slogan: personalized car mats customized expert!
Third, consumer groups: 25-35 year-old consumer group purchasing power
四、产品本身特性:产品多,涵盖人群广,车型全。交货快 价位高中低均有。
Fourth, the product itself features: more products, covering a wide crowd, the whole car. Fast delivery low price high schools have.
Five, firm size and skill levels: basic product materials in place, 4,000 square feet warehouse is ready to yield normal, normal staff
六、区别于竞争对手:1 交货速度快,以全国工厂为核心,遍布300余市 本地生产本地销售 2 产品多样化,50款产品,材料备货至各个省、市。3 车型全,全国最全车型 大包围全包围压痕等产品不能及 4 对接沟通方便:厂商直接沟通店商,市场了解清晰反馈迅速
Six, apart from its competitors: a fast delivery, to the country's factories as the core product diversification over the two domestic product of more than 300 municipal local sales, 50 models of products, stocking materials to various provinces and cities. 3 car full, the country's most-wide indentation surrounded wholly surrounded by large vehicles and other products can not communicate with convenient docking and 4: vendor shops to communicate directly, a clear understanding of the market feedback quickly
Seven brand meaning: [big] Han joint general manager of Shijiazhuang [large] [Bin Han] [joint] sponsors various cities open mat factory units to a single brand [big] Han joint core, 50 models of products for The main push, local production and sales. Or the strength of the sales team in the city has authorized operators, local factories Ottomans supply mode.
八、品牌传播:1 网络渠道 以大瀚联合百度竞价排名,网站推广,成立天猫商城原价销售,成交后,通知车主找本地加盟商同城交易。 2 传统渠道 专业报纸、杂志、全国性汽车用品展会。3 传播总结:竞争日益加剧的大背景下,我们以专家形象式:【大瀚联合】个性化汽车脚垫定制专家
Eight, brand communication: a network of channels with large Han joint Baidu PPC, website promotion, establishment Lynx original mall sales, after the transaction, notify the owner to find a local franchisee city deal. Two traditional channels of professional newspapers, magazines, national automotive supplies exhibition. Under the background of increasing competition, our expert image type:: 3 spread summary] [VASTSEA joint expert personalized custom car mats
九、品牌管理:合作框架:以产品品牌展架为市场开发打开市场,以市为单位,50个展架/市为连锁条件。签订一年合作协议,每市年销量1600套为底线(已代开增值税发票为准)品牌保护:已申请商标注册及专利保护,经销商或加盟商反映有侵权行为时,适时组织打击假冒伪劣活动,保护品牌权益。 品牌特许经营:统一吊牌,统一销售资料展示图片及模式
Nine, brand management: cooperation framework: the product brand display rack for the market to open the market to develop in the city as a unit, 50 Chin / city for the chain condition. Year signed a cooperation agreement, annual sales of 1600 units per city for the bottom line (have a VAT invoice) Brand Protection: has applied for trademark registration and patent protection, dealers or franchisees reflect when violations, timely organization of the fight against counterfeiting shoddy activities, protecting brand equity. Franchising: a unified logo, uniform sales data show pictures and patterns